Dental Implants

Dental implants are surgical-grade root devices that support permanent tooth crowns manufactured to last a lifetime. These artificial roots are anchored in the bone beneath the gums where they become fused into the jaw. A crown is mounted atop the implant for a long-lasting and natural looking smile. Most patients prefer dental implants because they offer the same function as natural teeth, prevent reduction of adjacent natural teeth and help prevent bone atrophy in the jaw. Dental implants may be used to replace a single missing or damaged tooth or to restore an entire smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

You may qualify for dental implants if you have missing, broken or severely decayed teeth and are in relatively good overall health. The only way of determining your eligibility for implants is to consult with us, your oral care provider to identify whether you have adequate bone support and healthy gums that will support the new tooth structure.

The placement of dental implants is a multi-step process that typically takes between 6 and 9 months to complete. It begins with a full diagnostic check-up, X-rays and a CBCT scan. Following this, a surgical procedure under local anaesthesia will be performed to place a titanium root where the previous natural tooth root once was. The gums are sutured shut over the implant, where it will stay for 4 to 6 months while it heals and fuses with the surrounding bone. At the conclusion of the healing period we will revisit the site and fit you with a gum shaper. Once this heals ( 2 weeks) you will receive your permanent crown.

Post-operative care following a gummy smile corrective procedure is essential for healing and preventing complications.

General Care :

Activity : After leaving our dental clinic post treatment, we suggest you consider relaxing or at least limiting your activity as much as possible for the remainder of the day. Avoid strenuous activity and aerobic exercise for the next 3 days.

Oral Hygiene : Brushing and oral hygiene procedures should continue as usual in all untreated areas. In exposed, operated areas, limit your oral hygiene to brushing using a soft bristled toothbrush. In areas covered by periodontal dressing, brush only the chewing surfaces of teeth. Avoid dental flossing in operated areas during the first week following surgery. Undiluted medicated mouthwash, salt water or peroxide rinses should be used during the first week following surgery. Also avoid the use of water irrigation devices such as Water-pik for 1 month following surgery. The exposed operated areas should be gently swabbed with a cotton bud saturated with Betadine or Chlorhexidineas as a last oral hygiene procedure at bedtime and again in the morning, after eating and drinking.

Diet : Care should be taken in the immediate postoperative period to minimize contact with the implant. Aside from normal hygiene, it is best to completely leave the implant alone for the first 2 weeks after placement. You may want to limit foods to softer items and chew in an area away from the implant during the 10 to 12 week integration stage

Do's :
  • Some discomfort may be present when the anesthesia wears off. You will be given a prescription for an anti-inflammatory analgesic. If the pain does not subside please do call us and we will guide you further.
  • It is normal for some swelling to occur after surgery, particularly in the lower jaw. To minimize swelling after surgery, apply an ice bag wrapped in a light tea towel or handkerchief on the outside of your face over the operated area. This should be left on your face for about 20 minutes, then removed for 20 minutes, or alternated from side-to-side, between operated areas, for 2-3 hours after surgery. Use of both ice and the medicine as described above will reduce the amount and duration of facial swelling.
  • It is common to have slight bleeding for a few hours following periodontal surgery. If bleeding persists, apply a tea bag to the surgical site with firm but gentle pressure for 15-20 minutes. Rest yourself for 15 minutes then repeat the application of the tea bag for a second time if you still have slight bleeding. If excessive bleeding continues, please call our clinic. Remember, most of the blood you may see in your mouth is actually a little bit of blood mixed with a lot of saliva. Blood is a very strong “dye” and a little bit of blood will color your saliva dramatically.
  • If you are prescribed an antibiotic, it is important that you complete the course of treatment to prevent infection.
Don't :
  • Do not eat until all the anesthesia (numbness) has worn off.
  • Avoid spicy, salty, acidic, very hot or very cold foods or liquids.
  • Avoid nuts, chips or other crunchy or fibrous foods which may become caught between your teeth.
  • No smoking, drinking through a straw and no carbonated or alcoholic beverages for 48 hours following surgery.

use of removalble dental appliances : If you normally wear a removable appliance which replaces missing teeth, and it rests on the operated area, it is best to minimize the use of this appliance as any pressure on the surgical site could be detrimental to healing and cause discomfort.

Did You Know ?

that approximately 30 million people live with no natural teeth in one or both jaws? But more and more dental patients are opting for dental implants as a means of tooth replacement. Modern titanium implants were first developed in the 1950’s, but archeologists have determined that ancient Egyptians and Mayans were the first cultures to implant artificial teeth.

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